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Asking for Feedback After a Job Interview

Last updated March 6, 2024

Interviewing for a job you don't end up getting can be discouraging. While facing rejection isn't always easy, it can be helpful in preparing you for your next interview and landing your next job! If you don't get the job you want, ask the hiring manager for feedback. Receiving specific feedback can help you tweak your resume, write better cover letters, and better prepare for your next interview. Here’s what to know about asking for feedback after a job interview!

Person using both laptop and smartphone - Asking for Feedback After a Job Interview

Email or call the hiring manager to request feedback

While it can be intimidating to receive feedback about your job application or interview, it's a great moment for professional development. After receiving a rejection notice from a hiring manager, follow up with them over email or phone to request feedback. 

Here’s an example of an email you could send:

Hi [Hiring Manager],

Thank you so much for your time throughout the interview process for this position. If you are willing and able, I would love to learn more about what I could have improved in my application or interview to have been the strongest candidate for this position. Continuing to grow my professional skills is important to me, so if you would be willing to offer any brief feedback or critique, it would be immensely appreciated!

Thank you,

[Your name]

Thank the hiring manager for their time 

If you do receive feedback, be sure to follow up via email thanking the hiring manager for their time. They do not have to take the time to give you feedback, so be sure to extend gratitude if they do. 

Implement their feedback

Once you receive specific feedback about your application or interview, take some time to consider how you will implement it. For example, if the hiring manager gives you feedback that you seemed nervous or distracted during your interview, take some time to hold practice interviews and work on your confidence and composure. If they say that your cover letter was a bit too long, take a look and review what could be cut out in your next one. This feedback can go a long way in helping you put your best foot forward when applying for jobs in the future, so be sure to use it!

Don’t be discouraged if you don't get a response

In many cases, especially at large companies, the hiring manager you were in contact with may have received many applications and scheduled many interviews. If they don't have time to respond to your request for feedback, don't be discouraged! Even the act of putting yourself out there and being open to feedback and critique is a step in the right direction toward growing your professional skills. That's something to be proud of! 

Have any questions about job interviews? Text #Jobs to 33-55-77 to chat with one of our advisors. If you're using a mobile device, click here to have the text message set up for you!

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