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The Support Needed to Persist in College | #WeBelongInCollege Stories

Last updated June 25, 2024

College comes with many challenges. These challenges, no matter how difficult, can become easier with the right support. Watch these #WeBelongInCollege stories to learn how students found the support they needed to persist in college.

Isaiah’s #WeBelongInCollege Story

For Isaiah, getting a college degree was the end-all, be-all, but college didn’t start off how he had hoped. Isaiah registered for classes late, and once classes started, he fell behind and missed assignments. Isaiah started to question himself, but his advisor gave him some resources that he took advantage of to continue pushing for his degree and make the most of his experiences.

Nakaiya’s #WeBelongInCollege Story

Nakaiya was a great student all throughout high school, but college was a different beast. She experienced a new level of stress, anxiety, and depression when struggling with a new class in college. Her advice: take advantage of all your resources on campus!

Marcel’s #WeBelongInCollege Story

Marcel gives advice on how to persist in school even when the people who are closest to you are not entirely supportive of your decision to attend college. We all belong in college!

Bryan’s #WeBelongInCollege Story

In Bryan’s story, we learn how critical advising is, during both high school and college. 

Watch more #WeBelongInCollege stories here!

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