How Do Student Loans Work?

Last updated November 20, 2024

Many college students take out loans to pay for their education. However, because there are terms and conditions that come with student loans, such as interest and applicable fees, it's important to know exactly what you're signing up for. In this article, we'll give an overview of student loan options and what borrowers should know about each.

A note about accepting financial aid 

It's important to know that you are not required to accept all–or any–of the aid you’re offered from colleges in your financial aid offer letters, such as student loans. If you and your parents/guardians are informed about student loans and the terms and conditions that come with them, you can accept them. However, if you're unsure about whether taking on student loans is necessary or the best decision financially, we advise you to talk to your college counselor or a financial aid professional at the college you want to attend. They can help you make an informed decision that works best for your situation. 

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