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Why Feedback Is Your Friend

Last updated November 30, 2023

During your time at any job, it’s likely that you will receive feedback from your bosses or coworkers. While positive feedback about your performance can feel great, receiving more constructive feedback can be hard to hear. It may be uncomfortable to learn more about how you can improve or better meet expectations, but in the long run, receiving constructive  feedback is an important aspect of your personal and professional growth. Here are some reasons why feedback is your friend!


Feedback is informative

Constructive feedback helps you learn how you can improve your performance. Imagine going to class all quarter or semester and not receiving grades from your professors on your assignments or tests. How would you know if you’re passing or failing if no one gives you any information? This applies to the workplace, too!  When your boss or coworkers provide you with feedback and insights on how to improve, they can help you sharpen your professional skills over time, which can help you become a better employee in almost any job.

Feedback shows that someone cares enough to help you improve

If someone is willing to provide you with helpful, honest feedback, it means they believe in your ability to improve and succeed. This may be hard to believe in the moment, since receiving constructive feedback can feel personal. However, your boss or coworkers taking the time out of their day to help you get back on track and improve means that they think you are capable of learning and growing. 

Feedback builds resilience

Being open and receptive to feedback is a skill that takes time and practice to master. How you react to feedback is an indicator of your willingness to learn and grow. Feedback makes you more resilient because it empowers you to learn from your mistakes and to think of new and creative ways to get back up and try again.

Receiving constructive feedback never feels good at first, but reframing it as an opportunity for growth can help you better understand yourself and learn new ways to improve. You should also make sure to ask for feedback, especially if you haven’t received it yet! It can be challenging and uncomfortable, but the more you practice asking for and receiving feedback, the more you’ll grow in the long run.

A smiling young restaurant worker standing at the cash register - Why Feedback Is Your Friend

How to cope with unexpected feedback or criticism

Receiving feedback, especially unexpected criticism, can be tough, but it's a crucial part of growth. First off, take a deep breath—everyone faces feedback, remember that it doesn't define you. Look at it as a chance to improve and grow. Separate your emotions from the feedback and focus on the specifics. Instead of dwelling on the negative, try to identify actionable steps for improvement, be it additional training, or changes in behavior. 

It's okay to feel a bit shaken, but remember, constructive criticism is not a personal attack. Share your thoughts with someone you trust, like a friend or mentor, to gain different perspectives. Embrace the learning opportunity, and over time, you'll find that handling unexpected feedback becomes a skill that moves you forward on your journey of self-improvement.

Have any questions about receiving feedback? Text #Jobs to 33-55-77 to chat with one of our advisors. If you're using a mobile device, click here to have the text message set up for you!

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